Flight Etiquette: Ten Things You Should Avoid Doing On an Airplane

Here are ten things you should never do on a plane, unless you want everyone on your next flight to hate you. 

flight etiquette

The 10 Most Obnoxious Things You Can Do On Your Next Flight

  1. Pull on the headrest

  2. Not get up for others to use the restroom when you have the aisle seat

  3. Taking up all the overhead space

  4. Bringing smelly food (i.e. tuna fish— fast food)

  5. Allowing your children to act up or not bringing something to entertain them

  6. Being loud. Talking loud, playing video games on phone without headphones— just be quiet (especially on a red eye)

  7. Bringing your pet and pretending it’s an emotional support animal. People have survived like 100 years of flying commercial without their pets on their lap. This is no fun for your seat neighbor and no fun for your pet.

  8. Putting your feet on the armrest in front of you. Gross!

  9. Using someone else’s leg room as your storage

  10. Rushing off plane and cutting others off when exiting

What bothers you the most in-flight?