Emergency Travel Cards

As a full-time solo traveler, I’ve had my share of emergencies take place. Believe it or not, no matter how independent you are, when you are sick or injured, you really need to rely on other people— often times those people are strangers who know nothing about you.

Unfortunately, a friend of mine had a travel emergency that became a life or death situation. Without access to the proper information, no one could help him in time and he passed away without proper treatment at a hospital in Mexico. This hospital refused to treat him without $50,000 USD up front.

My friend had someone (a new friend he met during his travels) advocating for him and trying to pay the hospital with his bank cards, but given he was unconscious, there was no way for him to approve the charges his bank was questioning. No matter how much his advocate begged the bank and hospital, he couldn’t act fast enough. Had his friend or the hotel had proper information for his emergency contacts and travel insurance, his story may have ended differently.

I want your story to be different, should you ever wind up in a similar situation. We must always be prepared for any scenario— especially when traveling alone. This is why I have created 3 versions of the TTG Travel Emergency Card.

How to Use TTG Travel Emergency Cards

Click on the buttons for each card and it will open a new window with the card as a PDF. You can type your information in, or you can print it out and write it in. Typing then printing is recommended so it’s easier to read.

Next, print the document. It’s best if you print it in color, as the red banner will grab someones attention.

Lastly, laminate these documents and keep one in your wallet, one in your passport, and one in your backpack or carry-on luggage. It may seem like over-kill, but you want your information to be found should need be. Additionally, be sure to update your TTG Travel Emergency Cards with your new information as it changes.

Also, be sure to share this page with your travel friends and family to keep them safe!

Travel Emergency Card For your Wallet

wallet sized emergency card

Travel Emergency Card For Your Passport

passport sized emergency card
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Travel Emergency Card For Your Luggage

full size emergency travel card pdf

In addition to using these travel cards, you can also add this type of information to your phone. Be sure to add in your travel insurance provider, insurance plan #, and the emergency contact for your insurance.